TPanasonic Grants Support Programhe Panasonic Grants Support Program

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Panasonic Contact:

Amy Lee (


Download the Customer-facing Panasonic Grants Support Program Flyer by clicking on the image below   Download the Partner Panasonic Grants Support Program Flyer by clicking on the image below

Panasonic Grants Support Flyer - PublicPanasonic Grants Support Flyer - Partners


Why Grants Support?

The Panasonic Grants Support Program is designed to help you overcome financial barriers to sales in the public sector and expand your role as a trusted advisor with your customers.

Grants are part of the budget picture for nearly every public sector agency in the country, and a good understanding of the funding that is available to your customers and how grant funding works will help make you more effective at developing larger customer projects and closing deals, particularly when budget is an barrier to making the sale through a traditional sales process.


What to Expect

Expect the program to provide with several tools you can use in working with your customers in the public sector, including:

  • Invitations to grant-specific training opportunities
  • Alerts when Panasonic-friendly grant programs are announced
  • Custom grant research for customers projects in the public sector
  • One-on-one consultation with Grants Office grants experts, you and your customers to explain relevant grant programs and motivate customers to move forward with grant applications
  • Information about specific grant programs through the Upstream Interactive Grants Intelligence portal


How to Engage

Note that this is the typical grants support process, but you are encouraged to reach out to Grants Office with questions anytime!

1. Contact Grants Office to arrange an initial consultation on any project. You may Call the Grants Office Helpdesk at (585) 473-1430, Log into UPstream at using the "Log into UPstream" button above, or FAX a Grant Support Request available here.

2. Grants Office will schedule an initial consultation on your project, to determine its relative potential for funding and to identify potential funding sources that might support it.

3. Grants Office will provide you with a Research Report, which will document the grant opportunities that the Grants Office Grants Development Consultants have determined are a fit with the customer project, as it was defined for them.

4. Once you receive the Research Report, please review it carefully. Then, if you're happy with it, pass it along to the customer and schedule a consultative call with your customer.

5. During the consultative call, the Grants Office Grants Development Consultant will discuss their findings and the potential of these grant programs, and encourage the customer to apply to one or more opportunities.

6. Grants Office will offer to support their grant application by reviewing drafts of the proposal, answering proposal-related questions, and even providing grant proposal development support at no cost, as a benefit of the Panasonic Grants Support Program.

7. Once a grantwriter is assigned to the project, let the grant development begin!

We think you'll find that the Panasonic Grants Support Program is a valuable resource for moving public sector projects forward, and since there's no limit to how much you can use the program, why not give it a try?

For questions about the Panasonic Grants Support Program and to access the Grants Office Helpdesk, contact Grants Office at (585) 473-1430 or e-mail