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FUNDED Articles

Emergency Preparedness/ResponsePublic Safety/Justice

Ten Tips for Your JAG Proposal

With the application process for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program complete for state agencies, it’s time for small- to medium-sized law enforcement agencies across the US to prepare for their state’s pass-through competition. 

EducationInnovation/Advanced ResearchTechnology

Grants Supporting STEM & Technology Education are on the Horizon

This September, President Trump issued an executive memorandum to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos instructing her to dedicate $200 million per year of existing competitive grant funds to support high-quality classroom instruction projects in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and computer science fields.
Community/Regional DevelopmentEducationGrantseeking/Grant ResearchInnovation/Advanced ResearchPolitical LandscapeTechnology

FY18 Budget Watch: Department of Education

Curious to know where we are in this process and how this may impact future education grant funding? Read on!